Clematis Montana are deciduous climbers, a wonderful choice for early season colour in the garden and are perfect for covering unsightly fences and walls.They grow quickly and in just a year or so will give a fine display.
Plant them anywhere where they can climb - pergolas and arches or even old tree stumps are ideal - and you\'ll be rewarded with thousands fragrant blooms in early summer.
Montana\'s should be pruned - if necessary - soon after blooming ceases removing only wood from previous years.New summer growth will bear next years flowers and should be trained and tied in accordingly.
Clematis Montana ‘Mayleen’ – bronze tinged foliage and large soft pink scented flowers from April to June.
Clematis montana ‘Fragrant Spring’ – bronze tinted leaves and deep lilac-pink flowers in May and June.
Supplied as a pair of established plants in 15cm pots.
Plant with the crown of the plant 5-8cm deep to encourage new shoots to grow from below ground level.Clematis like a cool ‘root run’ so try and plant so that the roots are shaded. If you are planting in a sunny position, place some pieces of slate or flat stones on the soil after planting or use groundcover plants to keep the roots cool.
Feed in spring with a general-purpose feed, avoiding the stems. Mulch immediately afterwards with organic matter such as well-rotted manure, leafmould or garden compost.
Water regularly during periods of dry weather in the first few seasons after planting, especially for container plants.
Clematis in pots should be given a liquid feed through the summer and early autumn.
Montana Clematis should be pruned when necessary soon after blooming, removing only wood from previous years - basically a tidy up when it has finished flowering. New summer growth will bear next year’s flowers and should be trained and tied in accordingly.
- Pair of Clematis Montana on a Tripod 15cm Pots
- 2 x Plants