Westland Growbag

Westland Growbag

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The Westland Growbag is suitable for greenhouses, conservatories or patio use, inside or outside in a sheltered and sunny spot. Please remember to choose your growbag position carefully as it is unwise to move once crops are planted.Ideal for flowers, fruit & vegetablesRich in potash for abundant flowering & fruitingThis Westland Growbag is a versatile planting bag to use anywhere from a windowsill to your greenhouse. It is ideal for growing flowers as well as fruit and vegetables. The growbag contains a specially formulated compost which is rich in potash. This therefore helps to produce an abundance of flowers, fruit and vegetables.


The Westland Growbag is suitable for greenhouses, conservatories or patio use, inside or outside in a sheltered and sunny spot. Please remember to choose your growbag position carefully as it is unwise to move once crops are planted.Ideal for flowers, fruit & vegetablesRich in potash for abundant flowering & fruitingThis Westland Growbag is a versatile planting bag to use anywhere from a windowsill to your greenhouse. It is ideal for growing flowers as well as fruit and vegetables. The growbag contains a specially formulated compost which is rich in potash. This therefore helps to produce an abundance of flowers, fruit and vegetables.