Remote control Lucci Connect for WiFi integration of fans With the Lucci Connect remote control, compatible fans that can be retrofitted with a remote control can be integrated via WiFi and subsequently operated from any location via app. The receiver is installed directly in the motor unit of the fan. The commands are transmitted via radio from the transmitter. The latter not only serves as an interface to the WiFi, but can also be handled like a conventional remote control. For this purpose, buttons are provided for deactivating/deactivating and controlling the speed of the fan and for switching the light. If required, the connected fan can also be integrated into Amazon Alexa or Google Home to control it by voice command, for example. - contains transmitter (incl. 3 V CR2032 battery) and receiver - Dimensions transmitter: height 1.2 cm, width 4.2 cm, length 11 cm - Dimensions receiver: height 2.8 cm, width 8 cm, length 12.5 cm - Radio communication transmitter - receiver: 433.92 MHz, range 10 m - Radio frequency communication WiFi - Transmitter: 2.4 GHz - Enables operation of the fan via free Lucci Connect App for Android (version 4.4 or higher) and iOS (version 9.0 or higher) - Integration in Google Home or Amazon Alexa via free Smart Life App for Android (from version 4.4) and iOS (from version 9.0)