The Wild Blueberry, also known as Bilberry or European Blueberry, is a captivating variety renowned for its unique charm. Seeds of this variety yield petite perennial fruit bushes, reaching a height of around 30cm. Their compact size and preference for acidic soil make them perfect candidates for container gardening or adorning window boxes, ideal for those with limited space. These slow-growing, self-fertile bushes promise a bountiful harvest from August to September. Unlike their American counterparts, Wild Blueberries boast a darker hue and reveal a delightful pink-purple interior. Despite their visual differences, their taste remains consistent. From jams to fresh juices and pies, these berries lend themselves to a myriad of culinary creations. Embark on a foraging adventure right from your doorstep or windowsill with this essential addition for any gardening enthusiast. Supplied as 1 x Packet of 50 seeds.